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Letters - Sicarius' Highcourt Letter

Greetings Kobart,

Should the grave withhold catching up with me long enough to look back on these events, I'm sorry to say that it won't be with a happy heart.

My entry into the city was something of a shock to me. Apart from the noise and the smell of thousands of people living beside each other, being confronted with the primal temple of B'Lan was something of a shock to the system. Most of my time in the city was spent feeling like a fish out of water, stumbling over my words and when I found them, I discovered that I was in no position to speak them.

Ilya, under great pressure, before the highest of her peers, spoke what she felt to be the truth, knowing the person introducing her did so purely to justify his own opposition.

Why more Clan'gh'dn priests had not been scrying for lies as would have happened in a B'Lan court, I do not know. I can appreciate why no B'Lanish Inquisitors were present, large theosophical debates have been blown into the political arena and now one's opinion decides whether you are a heretic or a True Believer within that church. Too much ego has crept into the upper echelons and those egos are backed with weapons. I trust I needn't bore you with how the rest of that line of reasoning goes and I'll let Lord Kerrick give you the updated details of goings on in the city. I'm sure he will have a lot to tell you in the next weeks.

So it is that after the hearing at Ilya's temple, we are about to leave without me having had a chance to look up the Great Library. The scribe who took down the details of our journey here was present as we prepared to leave, he advised me that the works in the Great Library probably didn't contain the information that I was looking for, being a part of the new city, the archives only went back so far, an older library, however was rumoured to exist off to the east. An old dwarven fort lies in ruins and has remained untouched for some centuries. That is to say, most wise people avoid that area due to it being infested with hostile creatures. Hopefully, the withering of the ages and creatures hostile or otherwise will have not touched the remains of the library and I might find some evidence or clue to the whereabouts of the elven tribe that exists in the jungle to the south of the capital.

In spite of the tumult in Highcourt, I'm relatively happy with my fortunes right now, to be heading towards the Elves with these people. Ilya has proved to be a worthy companion, it's certainly a relief to have someone theologically minded to speak to on the long journey we have taken. Phaedra is as entertaining as a hyperactive bard can get. Her flute playing is coming along nicely, even to an untrained ear such as mine. Mara is still nervously peering around the chaos she has been submerged into. I hope the closer we get to her people the more she will gain in confidence. She certainly has cause for it. The woman is startlingly good with the bow. Ethne reminds me every day that not everyone shares the same view as me, though I am glad to have someone with her talents within the party, It's interesting to compare the styles with which we summon magics. Her familiar is a curious little creature. Still sniffing out it's surroundings I suppose. Mara treats it with the glaring distrust she holds for all things reptilian, but we have managed to keep her from attacking it by explaining the difference between all things reptilian and all things "draconis".

I hope you are well and things in Onnwall are a good sight more peaceful than they are here.

Sicarius Derex
Aspendale was last updated on Tuesday the 5th of June.