Letters - from Kobort to Lord Kerrick
- From the archives of the High Court, recorded as collected from
the papers of Lord Kerrick after his execution in the 12th year of
King Gotar III's rule.]
To Lord Kerrick of Highcourt.
Well my old friend, it seems your cynicism was wrong again. That "harebrained
stupid idea" of mine just worked. It seems there are still some honest
people in this world. Before I begin, I should mention that I've ironed
out the wrinkles in the scroll helper spell. It now will allow anyone
with the least language skills to read a scroll it's cast on. I combined
elements of read language, heighten intelligence, and the original
true saying spell, and the results can even allow the village idiot
to cast correctly from a scroll. Unfortunately the additional features
have made it somewhat harder to cast, but of course I still have the
true saying spell for general use. It could make all the difference
in your campaign, as you'll be able to provide your captains with
a few scrolls to use in the heat of battle, despite having no mage
near at hand.
Anyway, onto recent happenings.
I'd done my usual thing of forgetting to scry the area before going
collecting. I know you warned me against it, and this time the lesson
was beaten in by a pair of Ogres. It seems likely they were passing
through the area, and stumbled on me by chance. The first I knew of
them was as one of them hit me across the back of the head with a
tree. The last I knew was as one of them stepped on my face, and snapped
my neck. It's quite an experience being dead I can assure you. Oh,
I should point out that I'm no longer dead. I was raised in the manner
I'd suggested. And that brings me to the core of my story.
I've just been visited by a fascinating troupe of adventurers. I know
you don't hold with their kind, but this group has been honest, courteous,
and enormously helpful. Even as I write, they're returning from a
hasty expedition to collect my stolen equipment from the Ogres. Their
fighting style is brutally direct, and it can only be the presence
of two priests in their midst that has kept them alive so long, but
despite weathering colossal damage from the ogres, they triumphed.
There is one in their number that will disturb you, a Halfling rogue,
with nimble fingers and deep pockets, but when you meet them, pease
treat them all with courtesy. They saved my life. I really should
start at the beginning shouldn't I.
Much of what I narrate here is as told to me by them, as of course
I was dead at the time. It feels strange to write that. Dead at the
time. It'll take a while to sink in. It seems the Ogres had stripped
me completely, and that somehow during the course of it had torn my
right arm off. When discovered, I was lying dead, naked, and with
my arm some distance away. My faithful raven (you remember my familiar)
was perched on my body, and so when the group approached it was fairly
obvious I was dead. The spell worked perfectly. It was hard modifying
the mouth spell to only work if I was dead, but it was definitely
worth it.
I've not asked how they found the instructions, but as they managed
them, I guess they weren't to rambling. They knew enough of anatomy
to put me back together correctly. I'll have lost a little movement
in my neck, as the healing potions don't repair shattered vertebrae
all that well, but at least the arm is on the right way round, and
they didn't try any of the experiments you suggested people would.
You know it's only you that would do that sort of thing to a body.
I came to, naked on the bench in the shed, a Half-elf watching cautiously,
and a sorceress standing near in an odd motley of armour and robes.
The biggest surprise was the sight of a true elf watching from the
corner. More on her shortly. Anyway, I was soon introduced to Sicarius
- the half elven priest, Ethne a Human sorceress, Mara the elf, a
ranger I think, and later Ilya a Dwarven priest, and Phaedra, a Halfling
bard (and of course as all Halflings, a perky rogue).
It seems the group is on the way to Highcourt and Temple to deliver
a message, and to find out where the Elves might be. It seems that
Mara somehow made it to Aspendale by way of a teleport gate found
in the ruins of her forefathers. She was captured by Kobolds, and
then freed by the adventurers. Her people have been diminished by
a war with local lizard peoples (it doesn't seem to be lizard men
though. It sounds like something different) The remains of the Elves
is reduced to a tribe or two living as barbarians in the jungles.
If you have any information about where they may be, please let me
know. I'll be very interested to see how this group progresses.
One of their number will deliver this to you. Please take it as a
letter of introduction, and give them all possible help and hospitality.
Your friend
Kobort of Onnwall.
PS, The old lady has flown north, so for a time we can relax. Thank
you for letting me know people were baiting for her again. I had just
enough warning. She's a lovely creature, but I don't trust Dragons
not to grow tetchy as they age.